Salon services
Your salon appointment awaits. Whether it’s a quick trim or a total transformation,
you’ll leave the salon feeling like the best version of yourself.
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In-store services
Find a moment of renewal with a personalised, expert-led hair consultation
to discover the ideal routine for your hair & scalp.
all in-store services BOOK NOW
Virtual services & tools
Discover our world of virtual services by taking our personalised hair quiz or by speaking to our AVEDA experts.

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Live chat
The quickest and easiest way to reach us is through our Live Chat functionality where you will be connected to our Customer Care team.

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Add +447472246056 to the contact list on your smartphone to reach us fast via WhatsApp.

Call us
For help with your order, delivery, and questions about the site, you can call us on 0808 281 0223.

Gift cards & eGift cards
Order an Aveda Gift Card, redeemable both in-store and online at any time. Simply choose the amount and select a personalised image. We do the reset and send it instantly via e-mail.

Use klarna to make your purchase today so you can try before you buy. Only pay for what you keep. Pay up to 30 days later. No interest. No fees when you pay on time.

Get what you want today, pay it in four instalments, always interest-free with Clearpay.