The World of Aveda







A regular workout routine not only improves your short-term physical well-being, but offers long-term mental health benefits. One recent study out of the University of British Columbia noted that a minimum of 120 minutes of exercise a week changed the brain in ways that protect memory and thinking skills. To reap exercise’s many health benefits, consistency is key.


One way to make breaking a sweat a habit is to establish rituals that encourage repetition. We asked Aveda Ambassador and founder of modelFIT, Vanessa Packer to share her four most effective strategies to set us up for success. Here’s what she had to say.



Work Out in the Morning


One hour of fitness a day is a non-negotiable for me to feel balanced. Mornings are great because you are less likely to cancel due to scheduling conflicts or work day exhaustion. Working out in the a.m. tends to create a domino effect of healthy habits. You’re more likely to stick with a routine if you get it out of the way first thing, plus your diet, productivity and energy levels tend to improve if you commit to an early sweat session.





Working out boosts productivity levels for four to twelve hours post-session.  Augment that mental clarity with five minutes of peace with no electronics, or take a few minutes to find something to smile about to boost endorphins.    


Smart Snacking


Listening to your body is most important. I find that after working out, sometimes a green juice isn't enough but I'm also not ready for lunch. My antioxidant-rich fruit salad is a great balance; it's light enough and filing enough to get you through the morning. Raw fruits are rich in enzymes, not to mention antioxidants and vitamin C. In addition, the fiber from the apples is great for digestion, which is known to contribute to a glowing complexion.



Efficient Beauty Routine


I first started using Aveda in High School. It’s one of those brands that I’ve come to love more and more as I’ve gotten older, and started experimenting with their line of products.


Stress-Fix™ Creme Cleansing Oil leaves my skin really smooth and I love that the oil blend of certified organic lavender, lavandin and clary sage helps promote relaxation. I follow that up with the Stress-Fix™ Body Creme. Washing your face post-workout is a must. Look for a cleanser with naturally derived ingredients like Aveda’s Botanical Kinetics™ Purifying Gel Cleanser followed by the Botanical Kinetics™ Toning Mist. When I don’t have time to wash my hair, I can’t get enough of the Shampure™ Dry Shampoo. It’s my go-to product after a workout because it helps absorb excess oil, refreshes my hair and smells amazing. Additionally, shorter showers mean less water waste, which is something we should all consider.


Here’s how to make Vanessa’s antioxidant-rich fruit salad:





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