The World of Aveda



Aveda Supports Climate Action to Meet the Paris Agreement

Guided by our mission to care for the world we live in, Aveda has long been committed to addressing Climate Change as one of the key threats to the biological diversity upon which our products and each of our lives depend.


The Paris Agreement created an extremely important framework under which almost 200 countries have committed themselves to a path for holding the rise of global temperatures well below 2 degrees Celsius in order to prevent major ecological disruptions.


Aveda joins many other businesses, local government and academic leaders in continuing to support climate action to meet the Paris Agreement.


Aveda remains committed to our longstanding efforts to fight Climate Change. We will continue to purchase renewable energy and carbon offsets for our manufacturing and other North American operations while striving to be more energy efficient, work with suppliers to reduce the carbon footprint of our supply chain, work with NGO partners and other businesses to advocate for urgently needed policies, and educate the professionals in our retail, salon and spa network and their guests on actions they can take to make a difference.



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Learn about Aveda's global efforts by visiting the following stories: