The World of Aveda





Every day we likely read or experience something that can set us off track, leaving us feeling stressed and overwhelmed. To learn how to handle these anxiety-inducing moments, we caught up with four #AvedaPartner wellness experts who attended this past week’s ultimate mindful-living getaway— Wanderlust in Oahu, Hawaii. They shared with us how they stay in the zone, and we’re passing those tips onto you.



“One of my favorite things to do when faced with a challenge is to find a quiet room and do a few handstands. I know this may sound silly, but this is my preferred way to meditate. In a handstand, there really is nothing else to do but focus and breathe while trying to balance on your hands. For those that may not have the immediate coordination for a handstand, I suggest taking a few moments to sink into downward dog, while taking in some deep breathes. This will do wonders for your state of mind. Thanks to my yoga practice in general, when I come to an obstacle or a challenge in my life, my first instinct is to no longer run, but face it head on and think things through before acting upon them.”


Laura Kasperzak, Yoga Teacher, loves the invigorating aroma of the Rosemary Mint Hand and Body Wash.



“This may seem cliché, but having a solid workout schedule in my life brings about a great level of balance every day. I work out six times a week, and varying workouts helps me handle different types of negative energy. It’s also super important to remember what is good for your body in the moment. When I am feeling down, heavy weight training is a huge confidence boost, but if my body needs something gentler, I opt for yoga. And on the weekends I love cycling around the city with my boyfriend. It's such a relaxing and fun way to work out, see the city and enjoy time with my guy.”


Rachel Martino, Beauty Blogger, loves using Shampure™ Dry Shampoo to refresh her hair after a workout.



“Challenges come up everyday and for me personally, balancing school with work is a daily thing for me; I can get very stressed, very quickly. When this happens I need to stop everything I’m doing and meditate —if only for five minutes. I suggest this for anyone feeling overwhelmed, even if it seems impossible to take the time because it will help in making you feel more focused and in control. For me, a clear mind always helps. And of course I build yoga into my daily schedule! Once I’m realigned after a practice, I’m more equipped to overcome my challenges.”


— Jaysea DeVoe, Student and Yoga Instructor, sprays Chakra™ 3 Balancing Body Mist Intention for a grounding mediation moment.



“I use yoga to tap into my emotions, rather than just focus on what it can do for my body. The poses I do are for my mind. Yoga immediately helps me to slow down and releases my stress. I realized early on in doing yoga that it made me very emotional and I embrace that because it forces me to think about things in a way I don't think usually. It can be overwhelming, but in an amazing way! I feel so open and happy afterwards.”


Noelle Downing, Fashion Blogger, keeps her skin hydrated and happy with the Tulasara™ Wedding Masque Overnight.




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